Today is the 3 day since the holidays started...
Let me tell you what I did for the past two days...
Ok Day 1..
There was a Nagar Kirtan held at the Tambun Gurdwara..
It was almost a 6 km root..
Visit this website if you would like to know what is a Nagar Kirtan...
My cousins, my sis and I was given the duty to sit with the holy book (Guru Granth Shahid) and to do kirtan (sing holy songs)..
I only got to walk for a while only rest all the route I was sitting in the flout that was caring the Guru Granth Shahib...
So sad...
When we reach back to Tamun Tample our voices was like guys voice...
OK DAY 2...
The akhand path was held..
For more info on akhand path visit this site...
I had to do so much of work..
Such as wash the dishes, give prashad, serve the sangat and many more..
I went to he Temple at 8.00 am and came back at 12.00 am!!!
Just imagine....
So tired...
Now I am waiting for my mom to come and bring me to Punjabi Class then agin back to Gurdwara..
I am exhausted!!!!!!!
Today got Kirtan Darbar some more!!!!
No practice at all you know!!!
Never mind I will just play the tabla..
FYI tomorrow a 90 years old well is going to be reopened..
And the jal from Golden Temple and so many other Temple is going to be added in it..
It is believed that the well has it's powers...
So everyone is invited to join in..
The program will end at 10.00 pm..
Well the program will start after the Sri Akhand Phat da Bhog..
Around 9.00 am...
That's all from me I guess..
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