Well lets travel back in time and go back to
6 March 2009, Friday..
Well it was Spots Day rehearsal and the yellow house marching squad formation was still not perfect..
We were major scared we are going to break the chain of wining the marching Competition..
So we practised really hard while waiting for our turn..
Then we started the first practice..
We were really bad..
Everyone was like so blur and it was not even near perfection..
Then we had a short break while seeing the races held..
Then before going back home around 11.45 pm we had the second practice of marching around the Stadium..
Well we improved a lot this time..
But the sin was so hot that I got Sun Burn..
I was wearing my spectacles that time so I am having like 2 shades on my face..
Well I just remember what happen in tuition really briefly..
Well went there with my spectacles was so shy because the Sun Burn was so clear..
Well Shikin and her friend always will forget her name laughed..
So mean..
Rest all is quite blur..
That is all for 6Th March I guess..
So now lets go to
7Th March 2009, Saturday..
This was the day we all have been waiting or..
Sports day...
Well mostly because we can bring hand phones..
Well this time there was not many people mostly because there were no stalls putted up this year..
This year Red house was leading..
It was really shocking because Red was always the last..
But Yellow House people was really happy because finally blue house is not leading..
We just hate blue house..
Well nothing special lar..
Just the races was held and we cheared that's all..
Then the results were announced.
Well we won a lot this year..
Then the marching results were announced we won the first place..
We have won for 4 years in a row now!!!
Well then just went back home and Zzz..
On 8 and 9th of Mach I was studding like mad!!!!
Because monthly test was on 10 to 13 of march..
Well the days passed in a flash..
It is normal during the exams..
I guess..
Then Yippee it was holidays..
Well sis came back on the 12 th of march so i could not rule the Internet..
I did nothing special in the holidays just went for somebody's wedding that is all..
Rest was spent on choral speaking practices and Path classes..
So when the school reopened we got back our results..
Was really disappointed..
Really bad..
But I will try harder next time and I already know where I went wrong..
Well gotta go..
Hmm will tell bout the rest tomorrow..
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