The world of a girl with lot of wishes..
Friday, February 7, 2014
I'm a University student now..
I know I have not been updating my blog for a few years,,
I'm sorry I guess...
Alright time for updates.. =D
I'm turning 21 in a few weeks time...
Yipee I'm excited but sadly will be celebrating away from family..
Got an earlier treat from mom and sis =D
Ate Nando's and got a Mango handbag for my 21st birthday..=)
Life is great.. Feels like I'm walking on a rainbow..
Oops forgot to tell you all I'm no more a Science student..
Currently I'm furthering my degree in Accounting at University Malaysia Sarawak..
UNIMAS in short..
UNIMAS has a huge campus..
When I say huge I mean humongous.. Lol..
Course-mates are awesome!!!
I made a lot of new friends..
There is Immyria,Djuita, Chirst, Syafiq and Sullaiman..
They are great friends who are always there to guide me when I face problems as I have no accounting basics..
First sem results are out and I scored quite well hehehe..=)
I will be leaving my home sweet home on 15th Feb.. Gosh it's going to be so hard to leave mom again..
Right now I'm really hoping to get a single room... Plz plz do make my wish come true..
Yup I sill believe in making wishes..
Wishes are what lights up my life and adds colors to it so my blog-name is still applicable lol,
Wishlightened... Isn't it beautiful???
Hehehehe.. Gosh I really missed blogging a lot.. Don't worry now my blog is going for a more mature posts as I am university student..
Yeah right like that is going to happen... I'm going to continue being my crazy self always...=)
That's all I have to share for my comeback post.. Lol...
This is Daljeet Kaur Sandhu signing off... Bye bye...
p.s/ I don't trip much anymore.. Yeah that's right Dee is no more as clumsy as she used to be :p
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Still the first week of school...
We were introduced to the curriculum clubs and etc today
Then we were thought the school rally, JPN song and the Perak song...
The school rally was kind of hard at first since we did not know the lyrics and the beat is quite fast then after a few practices I got..
It's a really nice song..
All in English reminded me of my primary school song in Marian..
The JPN song was just hilarious.. Lolz..
The Perak song well we have been singing it since Std 6..
So no problemo..
Then bought a form to become a librarian..
After that recess!!!
Lolz.. All this while I have just been drinking milk cause dunno what food to buy..
Must consult Dinesh.. Lolz.
After recess they continued talking about curriculum..
Then they asked for volunteers to clean the classes..
For sure none of the girls volunteered.. lolz..
Then while listening suddenly a prefect came behind us and asked if we would come and clean the class rooms..
Got the shock of my life...
We agreed.. When cumming out of the hall there are this netball pole laying outside..
You can guess I miss judged my step again and trip..
Man it hurt..
Lolz.. It was more embarrassing now cause mow even a senior saw my clumsiness..
Lolz.. Then we were asked to be in two in each class..
I was with Julie she joined us at the last row on that day.. Lolz..
We cleaned the class with the limited resources..
I swept the floor..
Julie wiped the furniture..
There were 3 boys assigned in the class Julie and I were assigned to..
They went to take water and find rags..
Then everyone joined forces cleaned the class,
Since we could not find enough rags the boys used their creativity and cleaned with the duster instead!!Lolz..
I was sweating so much!!
It was too warm..
If I was in convent for sure my shirt would have been tucked out..
After we were done with our class..
We visited Jazmine and Marions class..
When they were done we returned back to the hall leaving Cho and Mary Anne behind.. Lolz..
Shortly after Cho and Mary Anne returned to the hall they started dividing us into our classes..
I was excited and sad at the same time.
Excited cause I finally got to know my new classmates and sad cause Jazmine, Marion and Mary Anne was in different classes...
The class I am in is LSS4..
Class teacher : Miss Wong
Most Convent girls were in my class..
Not all that I am close to of course..
There is Cho, Shin Wei, Vivian, Hui Yean, Dhivya, Darshiney (not sure of the spelling), Hemala, Kiran, Racheal, Jay, etc..
Then there was the guy I met during the ice breaker yesterday, Don and a guy I met while cleaning the classrooms didn't know his name then now I do he is the super major anodizing organism, Raja.. Lolz
Then we entered our class..
It was awesome..
I love it but one prob when I came in the second and third row was occupied. I was for sure not going to the first row... Ended up in the fourth and I could not see half of the board..
I may look average height when I am standing but I am short when I am sitting..
At first i didn't care then Yogini sat next to me and she is shorter than me..
It was worse for her..
So we consulted the teacher about it after the class board was chosen..
We had limited choices since most of us were applying for prefects..
Our class rep is Dhivya and Ryan an ABC boy is the assistant..
Then teacher rearranged the tables and asked the tall boys to move to the back.
Then somehow Yogini got to sit in the second row and I was still where I was.. lolz...
All that argument was only for Yogi bear I guess lolz..
So the people in my row is Cho, Chemie, Me and Don...
Didn't know what to talk at all..
Luckily the bell saved us and it was dismissal..
Continuation of school life..
Nothing interesting happened during day 2...
It was the day all the subject teachers gave lectures about what form six subjects are like..
Just like a brief intro into Form Six...
The Form Six director also told us on this day that it will take forever to change stream and school.. T.T
Then we were given the forms to fill what subjects we wanted...
I choose Bio over Physics...
So let's fast forward to day 3...
Day 3...
Today was like living hell during the start of school..
We were supposed to hand in the forms we got yesterday and the typical situation..
Some boys didn't fill or didn't bring it..
So that form six moderator started lecturing in the mic she went on and on..
I just felt like pulling the mic from her..
It's like if the mic is in front of her she has to make full use of it and never allow peace and quiet in the hall...
Was starting to get a headache that time..
That's how annoying she was..
She reminded me of a teacher in Convent..
Even Jazmine felt it but we could not recall who..
I wonder..
Anyways then it turns out we got lectured for one and half hours just because of 6 riduclous boys!!! Gosh!!!!
Then recess... Lolz...
After recess was supposed to be the tour around school..
So I was super excited.. Lolz...
So first we had a separate boys and girls lecture...
We had our lecture in an air-conditioned lecture hall..
Gosh it felt good...
The heat in the main hall was too much to bear I was starting to miss Conven't upper hall..
The teacher warned us to never go anywhere alone Go by two or three's since SMI is an all boys school so the boys had never been around girls...
They tend to be WILD..
Of course the lower formers..
The upper formers are matured enough..
We were warned about lotz of stuff but I can't reveal it here...
I know the girls will know why..
Then after the lecture was over we visited the library...
Since I already went during Day one so it was nothing new to me.. *wink*
Of course I did get to know that the Form Six students are allowed to use the reference room in the library any time they want.. Yipee..
Another plus point.. Lolz..
Then we were divided into two groups first group went to the gallery while the other returned back to the hall first..
I was in the second group..
The hall was quite empty cause the boys went for their tour too...
So Jazmine, Mary Anne, Cho and I returned to our signature seat the last row at the right and with only us sitting there. lolz..
After the first group returned we went to see the gallery..
It was on the lower former's block...
I was the one in the front lolz..
Went up the stairs as instructed by the prefect..
Gosh the horror was just in front of us a few steps..
The guys from the classes were like running out from their class like they had never seen girls..
The teachers were having hard time controlling them..
Gosh it was like we were the animals in the zoo or something..
Yuck seriously...
The gallery was nice..
It had all the memories of St Michael kept in this room..
The posters of all the school plays, the old school bells, school magazines etc.
It was nice..
The sir even cared to explain everything to us..
So sweet of him. =)
After that back to the hall...
Had two ice breakers...
The first one was about a squirrel and two trees.
When they shouted fire the trees were supposed to change partners squirrel stay.
When they shouted Hunter the trees will stay and the squirrel will change.
Earthquake everyone has to change..
So logically one group had 3 people..
Needed to have at least one girl or boy in it...
So me and Marion and cho had a hard time finding a guy since we knew no one.. Mary Anne was stolen by someone.. Lolz..
The game was fun at one time somehow two squirrels appeared under our tree.. Lolz
The second ice breaker was about a stinger..
In a group of 10 with consists of different races and girls and boys..
We were asked to shut or eyes and the prefects choose a stinger in each group...
After that we were asked to introduce ourselves and the stinger will secretly kill someone..
My group had no stinger so it was boring...
Then we were asked to have a group talk...
It was filled with awkwardness..
Lolz.. I was the only Convent girl there.. Lolz..
So after that we returned back to our places and dismissal!!! Lolz...
So Day 3 was kind of enjoyable...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Back to school.....
It's been three weeks since I started school..
I have bad news, good news and just news... Lolz..
Bad news first.....
It will take months to transfer schools or even stream...
Therefore I am now in St Michael for GOOD..
Good news is St Michael is FUN!!
I have great teachers and awesome CLASSMATES!!!
I am simply loving it for now..
Now the run down of my three weeks in St Michael....
When to school at 7.15 am when I was supposed to be there only at 9.00 am...
I know the typical me didn't read the letter properly..
Luckily I spotted two schoolmates Yip Poh Heng and Atilia...
We went to the library and when we saw the registration book to enter the library so we decided to not enter the library..
We were about to leave when my secondary school senior, called us and allowed us to look around the library...
Well the library I feel has less books then Convent but almost the same feeling with convent lar...
Quite nice and LOTZ of magazines..
BTW we can use the internet free for 1 hour!!
Really made me like the school more..
Then the trio of us returned back to the parlor..
Well then we were seeing the notice boards there..
I was so engrossed that didn't notice that Ai Ling and Atilia went to join two other girls from Convent..
So when I noticed I walked towards them..
At that moment my first clumsy moment in St Michael happened...
I was walking towards them..
St Michael has a lot of high and low places so the Parlour is one of them..
I was gonna step on the floor but instead it was a stair..
Whosh I tripped..
I didn't fall on my face thanks to Poh Heng but still!! Aiyo...
The embaressment...
Then we talked and waited till the rgistration will start...
Now my memory is kind of blur...
I can't remember who came first to school..
So anyways we were asked to line up according to school..
A lot of Convent girls appeared and my besties Marry Anne, Jazmine, Marion, Reshween and Menuka too!!!
Some were not sure weather they will be staying like Rachel... T.T
Then we were asked to sit in the hall guys on the left girls on the right..
Had an ice breaker..
Was quite fun..
It was a song
The lyrics goes something like this..
Oh Ram Sum Sum
Oh Ram Sum Sum
Goori Goori Goori Rum Sum Sum
Oh Ram Sum Sum
Oh Ram Sum Sum
Goori Goori Goori Rum Sum Sum
Goori goori goori Rum Sum Sum,...
Really funny lyrics and with actions it is simply FUN FUN FUN!! Lolz..
Then we saw a slide presentation of the school...
Then best part recess..
The canteen is really big with LOTZ OF STALLS..
One problem the chairs and tables are permanently stuck on the floor so it's hard to eat with the whole group of friends..
Didn't had time to explore so I just drank something..
Can't remember what..
Lolz... Then we had lectures by the teachers... It went like bla bla bla.. Lolz..
Then while one of the teachers were giving their speech my phone started to ring
Forgot to put it on silent mode...
Used Marion's bag to cover up the vibration so the ring tone won't be heard...
Lolz... Luckily nobody noticed..
When the call ended I swtiched my phone off!!
Gosh that was a close call...
After that dismissal so Jazmine, Marion, Mary Anne and me called our parents...
So while waiting just hanged around the telephone booth protecting ourselves from sun burn but I still got bad one...
Lolz... That's all for day one..
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Comming Back from Hiatus...
Though I have never been on one I know how it feels like..
I know lame right..
An 18 year old girl who has never been on a roller coaster!!!
Gosh my life sucks..
Back to the point...
I had awesome three months break though I can't even remember what I did clearly..
Typical me... *wink*wink*
Then taratarrum!!!! SPM RESULTS!!!
Then I was hoping I could do teaching...
But I know you can guess I was not even short listed for the interview!!
Then my sis gave me the idea to do accountancy plus law!!
Well I may not be a Maths geek but I only need lots of practice!!
So here I am going to do FORM SIX!!
First time in Arts Stream and doing accountancy!!
So wish me luck people!!
Hope I can be a successful after all... =)
I know my post is being really boring and is not a strong comeback but from now onwards I will update on Sundays every week!! Lolz... Give you all the latest gits!! Lolz
So that's all this is Dee signing off...
XOXO Daljeet Kaur
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Pretty weird isn't it..
I mean you are asleep and not thinking cause you are asleep and suddenly all this images start flowing in your head...
It's like your brain is taking charge of you..
Some dreams can be really weird like not logical at all...
While some can be so realistic that it causes you to feel deja-vu.
Well the reason I am saying this is cause I had a really interesting dream last night...
It was awesome!!
I can't say is cause I heard that if you tell your dream it won't come true..
I know can't believe that I believe in that mambo jambo myself!!
Really interested in dreams right now....
Brain what a complex organ..
To me it just looks like intestines but the stuff it does is unimaginable...
Did you know when we are dreaming the brain shuts down all our muscles so that we won't do the things we are dreaming in real life...
That's why when sometimes we wake up abruptly our brain has not gave access for us to use our muscles but we are actually awake causing us to feel that we are being pushed down but this lasts only for a few moments...
That's all from me..
This is Daljeet Kaur Sandhu singning off...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Kallie's Castle Visit!!!
It was my third visit..
This time I explore it from top to bottom...
It was really cool...
I wanted to go through the tunnel but it was too dark in the dungeon...
Could hardly see the my hand in front of me...
So I decided that the next time I visit Kallie's Castle must bring a torch light along...
I also found out today that I have a fear of heights...
When I was at the top floor there was no fencing so I was extra careful since I am famous for my clumsiness...
When I came down I felt dizzy but I did not feel afraid...
I guess my body is but not myself...
Had such a bad headache that could not enjoy the rest of the trip...
Still it was cool....
A short visit and totally worth it...
It inspired me to create my own plan for my very own castle that I will build someday in my lifetime..
Will upload the pictures in my pictures in my pictures blog soon..
Guess I will give some interesting facts about Kallie's Castle...
Well it was dream home Kallie's wanted to build for his beloved wife...
Most of the people who worked on it was Hindu's....
There are more than 10 rooms with beautiful pattern engraved on it..
Some rooms was mysterious like the one at the lowest floor is just a small round room that nobody knows what it was build for...
I just love the idea of his son and daughter's room being connected by a small passageway and has an emergence staircase...
Really cool!!!
Guess that's all from me....
Bye bye...
Friday, December 3, 2010
It has been two weeks since SPM started and I finished 6 subjects!!!
Only half way through...
Still got 6 subjects to go!!!
When will it come to an end....
My after SPM list is so long that I can't wait to get started...
It will be filled with dramas from all over the world... :P
Next monday is going to be the Chemistry exam!!
Gosh I so hate Chemistry...
It's like my worst subject...
I am so stressed out I feel like shouting on top of my lungs...
Ironically I can't cause when I talk normally my voice is already loud if I scream I guess I will be able to bring the whole house DOWN!!!
I can't believe how mush I have missed posting on my blog..
Don't worry after SPM is done I will have more interesting stories to share..
Alright guess I better go now..
My sweet best buddy..
The place closest to me being human...
Just fooling around...
Gotta go..
Good Night...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Curls gone straight hair welcome!!!!
Now my hair is silky straight!!!
Had to be in the saloon for 5 hours!!!
So fed up you know...
After that straight go to tuition...
Everyone was shocked!!!
Some said I look nice and some were really concern that I will spoil it..
Syarizat even became my personal stylist!!
Some even joked that I look like a ghost!!!
That was what happen yesterday..
Today again got tuition wonder how the sir will react!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The inside scoop....
Thousand apologies..
Will be updated now cause two weeks holidays stars this Saturday!!!!
So surely there will be lotz and lotz of interesting stuff to blog about!!!
I met my primary school friends Ashwita last Friday at a seminar in the Gurdwara!!
So cool!!!
Had so much fun...
Met Salvinder also!!!
Sat together talk, leaned and gossiped..
Ahem ahem...
Apparently I just noticed that most of my friends already have boyfriends!!
But I did not feel outcast or anything because all of us were talking like best buddies!!!
That was about meeting my long lost friends...
Yesterday was awesome!!!
I got to watch Pathshala and Star Screen Awards 2010!!!
Shahid was so adorable and funny!!!
I feel so outdated cause Star Screen Awards was on 31st Jan 2010 but yesterday only I got to know that Shahid hosted it..
Tomorrow got biology trial exam but I am so unprepared..
Don't feel like studying..
My hyperactive nature does not want me to sit at one place and stare at the book!!!
Now I am really going to be active in tweeter and my blogger...
Don't wanna abandon it anymore..
Though I know that I have no readers but i enjoy reading my posts lolz...
So wish me luck that I can fulfill my dream!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I was so busy that I did not have time to update my blog!!!
Well I have the most saddest news to share with you..
I am like one of Super Junior's biggest fan in Malysia and I will not be attending it!!!
Reason one and only no permission from my mom!!!!
I wanna go!!!!
I wanted to see EUNHYUK OPPA!!!!!
Aish this is so frustrating!!!
The worse part I heard that the who are going are not Suju fans at all they are going just so that they may have a chance to see other celebs!!!
I was like what the tut!!!!
Nevermind I will go fror Super Show 3!!!
SuJu oppa come again okay!!!
That's all I guess..
Friday, October 23, 2009
Chemistry was SO HARD!!!
Why must the finals be so so so hard..
Well my final term exams are going on and it really sucks!!!
Just wish to start all over again!!!
Why can't there be a time machine in this world!!!
Anyways today was my worst I really mean WORST day of my LIFE!!!!
I woke up with a sore I..
First I could not even open it!!!
It was as if I am winking..
It still is kind's swollen...
Then my precious stapler!!!!
To make maters worse my pen cover fell then Wan Yuan help me to take it during the exam...
She threw it at my direction but it fell near me..
I bend down to pick it up and almost fell off my CHAIR!!!
Then while talking top Sharmalaa I fell of the chair again!!!
Then I triped over my chair!!!
Ohhh yeah..
I spent the whole night yesterday downloading a drama's episode it is in mandarin so I can't understand it..
I thought it will have subs but there were NONE!!!
I feal like dying!!!
But before I die I will really like to meet Shahid Kapoor Lee Jinki (Onew) and Eunhyuk in person!!!!
God make this wish come true please..
Okay gotta go..
Monday, October 19, 2009
Diwali the festival of lights...
We visited so many houses!!!
Ate so many cookies!!!
The best part got to play with my cousins and won some of the games!!!!
The games we played were chopsticks and scissors paper stone..
We I lost badly in chopsticks but was one of the best in scissors paper stone!!!
Then my aunts went to temple to lit up some oil lamps..
But we did not get to go..
Then on Sunday we went to my another aunts house and played PS 2 with my nephew..
We played WWE and I suck in that game!!!
But still won game thanks to UNDERTAKER!!!
Well mostly this Diwali was about eat eat and eat!!!
My stomach was hurting badly for around 2 days..
It is getting better now!!!
Here is the bad news!!!
I gained weight and now all my clothes are really awfully tight for me!!
Thinking of going on diet and start dancing around in my room again after exams!!!
Hope can lose some weight!!!
Hmmm what else to crap about!!
Ohhh yeah!!!
Just remembered this may be my last really happy post because!!
I am going to die for History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Add Maths, and Literature final exams!!!
I thought I could spend my time studying and preparing for the exam but no i just had to enjoy it!!
Great now I am so so so dead!!!
Someone anyone HELP!!!!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Gost Stories...
All thanks to Khairun..
She is always stocked with all this really scary ghost stories..
She looks really innocent but is so into all this ghost stories..
I will tell you the story Zoe told first...
Cause it was the most scariest one..
Okay the story begins..
There was this boy sitting on a chair opposite his study table in his dorm room..
There was a window in front of his study table and he could see the girls dorm from it..
When he looked out of the window he saw a really beautiful girl staring at him too..
He continued to stare back and they had like this type of connection..
One day when he was coming back to his dorm he could feel someone following him.
He tried to walk faster but was slowed down all the time..
So he decided to look at the back and saw the same girl but only with half of her body and crawling to him using her hands..
The End..
I am getting all this goosebumps now..
But never mind I don't believe in ghost anyways..
I believe in God and not this mitos stuff..
So that was one ghost story if I start to tell every single one it will take ages to write..
I am also going to be dead tired because I am trying to finish my Moral Folio which I haven't completed I am just so dead now..
Then other than ghost stories we started to couple our classmates together..
FYI I am in a girls school so it was kinda disgusting..
Pity Praseetha she was like the main target..
That's all today..
p/s my finals are on the 12/10/2009..
Wish me luck..
By bye..
Good nitez..
Sweet Dreams..
Hope you won't have scary ones because of my story.
If you do have scary ones just imagine me as the ghost it will be much more worse!!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
I dunno why just nothing really interesting happend..
Well today was the first time Izzati was absent from school..
Miss you so much!!!
And Safrinaz also!!!
THE class was so boring without you guys..
I think it is like my habit to turn around and talk to Izzati Chan when the teacher is super boring..
I kept on turning behind and finding sleeping Fariza behind me..
Izzati Chan get well soon!!!
Well you will be wondering what happen to Izzati well she is just having fever..
So that was one news the next news is that I CAN'T GO FOR THE LIDRA DINNER TODAY!!!
I was looking forward for it for months!!!
Why you may ask..
So unfair I have to stay at home while my friends are at ICC enjoying their lifes out...
I have been looking forward to it for months and was just shattered in front my eyes!!!
So sad..
Just hope you guys enjoy yourself in ICC while I am stuck with my mom at home..
Moving on there is just one more week left for my finals and today was the first time I could really understand what the Chemistry sir in tuition was trying to teach..
School today was just a waste of time...
We learn only Biology today and had only a BM oral test!!!
Such a waste..
Go to school just for one subject would have been better if I got to take a study leave...
Aish nevermind..
Still get to watch Shinee and Super Junior..
Got even a Suju poster from Vivian W. and An Gie..
I am going to stick it at the back of my room's door..
Finally I own a SUPER JUNIOR POSTER!!!
Super Junior aja aja fighting!!!
That's all I guess..
Annyeong Gaseyo...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Jaebom leaving 2pm!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Test test TEST.. wait HOLIDAYS!!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Cross country run and sing along!!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My Hilarious day!!!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Yo people!!! Holidays comming to an end!!!!
It has been like a month since I last updated!!!
Seriously time does not fly it moves with a speed of light!!!!
Like zoom 1 month gone!!!!
Wow a shocker right!!!
Tell me about it!!!
I think I am going to have to delete the novel blog!
I have an awesome story but time is just so dang mean!!!
It gives me no substitutions!!!!
So here is the updates of my life!!!
So hmm we had this program in Tambun temple my cool buddies came from KL..
Harkirat and Karamjit!!!!
Miss you guys..
Had lots of fun and lost 12 chopstick game with Karmajit..
But in Scissors, paper, stone we are equally unbeatable!!!!
We are so childish!!!
Then with a great bummer all my holidays plans was ruined because had to go for a Kirtan class with my sis and trust me the teacher is like so not funny..
He thinks he is all smart, funny, and all that..
But he can hardly even spell class!!!
What a show off!!!!
His jokes are like so not funny but instead really, awfully, tremendously RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!
But gotta control my temper..
Hate it..
So then today I saw my niece from Penang Bashinder and nephew Jasbinder..
They are so cute, sweet and really naughty!!!
But nothing compared to my another nephew MANRAJ!!!
He is surely the most unique child on earth!!!
Just love my life right now but everything is on the fast forward mode!!!
Holidays are coming to and end that means I gotta face the music!!!
Gonna be skinned alive!!!
So that's all for now I guess..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Back Online!!!
But it was not that bad..
Not even one mistake you know..
Considered really good for Juniors.
We were the only ones who joined the competition the first time..
Well I uploaded new private photos in my friendster account see it ok!!!
Well exams next Monday so really afraid..
Dunno what I am going to do..
Well right now my life is just going in a same routine so it is kind of boring so I don't bother to update yet..
Will update as soon as something juicy arives..
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
OMG Kirtan compertition..
Kiran, Harkirat, Karamjit and me are gooing to join the Kirtan Compertition this year..
There is less than 2 weeks left..
To make matters worse they are in KL and I am in Ipoh..
So practice is really little..
Only a miricle can make us win..
Oh God please let that miracle to happen..
So scared!!!
Maybe I am going to have to play TABLA!!!
I thought maybe I will just have to sit beside Kiran and sing but no..
Must play an instrument..
Shoot man..
That's all for now..
Wish me luck..
Monday, March 30, 2009
Ok.. Lets get back on track...
Well lets travel back in time and go back to
6 March 2009, Friday..
Well it was Spots Day rehearsal and the yellow house marching squad formation was still not perfect..
We were major scared we are going to break the chain of wining the marching Competition..
So we practised really hard while waiting for our turn..
Then we started the first practice..
We were really bad..
Everyone was like so blur and it was not even near perfection..
Then we had a short break while seeing the races held..
Then before going back home around 11.45 pm we had the second practice of marching around the Stadium..
Well we improved a lot this time..
But the sin was so hot that I got Sun Burn..
I was wearing my spectacles that time so I am having like 2 shades on my face..
Well I just remember what happen in tuition really briefly..
Well went there with my spectacles was so shy because the Sun Burn was so clear..
Well Shikin and her friend always will forget her name laughed..
So mean..
Rest all is quite blur..
That is all for 6Th March I guess..
So now lets go to
7Th March 2009, Saturday..
This was the day we all have been waiting or..
Sports day...
Well mostly because we can bring hand phones..
Well this time there was not many people mostly because there were no stalls putted up this year..
This year Red house was leading..
It was really shocking because Red was always the last..
But Yellow House people was really happy because finally blue house is not leading..
We just hate blue house..
Well nothing special lar..
Just the races was held and we cheared that's all..
Then the results were announced.
Well we won a lot this year..
Then the marching results were announced we won the first place..
We have won for 4 years in a row now!!!
Well then just went back home and Zzz..
On 8 and 9th of Mach I was studding like mad!!!!
Because monthly test was on 10 to 13 of march..
Well the days passed in a flash..
It is normal during the exams..
I guess..
Then Yippee it was holidays..
Well sis came back on the 12 th of march so i could not rule the Internet..
I did nothing special in the holidays just went for somebody's wedding that is all..
Rest was spent on choral speaking practices and Path classes..
So when the school reopened we got back our results..
Was really disappointed..
Really bad..
But I will try harder next time and I already know where I went wrong..
Well gotta go..
Hmm will tell bout the rest tomorrow..
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I voted for Earth hour how about you???
Right mow Eart hour is on a all the lights in my house is switched off..
Well it is still not too late to vote yet there is still half an hour left..
So cast your votes..
Monday, March 2, 2009
I got officially sick again..
Yesterday I had sore throat..
Then got flu and now very soon the fever is going to come!!
The worse part spots is going to be this Saturday!!!!
How on earth am I going to recover fully by then!!!
It is impossible!!!!
Simple impossible!!!
I wish a miracle will happen and this annoying flu will be gone!!!
Today when I went to school I was not the only one who felled sick!!!
Most of the students and teachers felled sick too!!!
Well I wish the Form One History won't repeat it self..
During Form One there was this flu spreading in the class!!!
And one b one everyone got it!!!
It was kinda funny because it was like we were sharing our miseries!!!
Too bad I got twice!!!!
Ok my Add Maths teacher asked this riddle..
If you get to get one of your wishes granted and your enemy will get twice of it what will you wish for???
I have heard this riddle during Standard 5 but I forgot the answer any suggestions people???
Before I sign out I would like to introduce my latest guestbook to you people..
Please do sign my guestbook...
I just wanna know who are my blog Viewers.....
And I wanted to ask some of the people are coming to my blog by google images..
What on earth did they typed..
Anyone knows????
Ok that's all I guess..
Friday, February 27, 2009
My Birthday is Tommorow!!!
Well today was so not cool!!!
I am so so tired!!!
But I am really excited and happy too..
Tommorow is my 16th Birthday!!!
I am going to be sweet 16 tommorow!!!
Well the first person to give me preasent are Sanjna and Shanu!!!
My BFF!!!
Well I a sad too!!!
I thought I will have an awesome birtday this year but must go to school and tuition!!!
So unfair!!!
Well maybe it is good...
Dunno lar..
Well tha's all I guess bye bye!!!
Don't forget to wish me!!!
And thanks to everyone who remembers my Birthday!!!
Good Night!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I found my form 1 and form 2 notebook!!!
I even found the story I wrote where I, Shanu, Sanjna and Reshween was in the lead roles..
It was so cool..
I also found my 2005 autograph book!!!
It was so cool to remember the times in school...
Well you might be wondering why I found my old stuff today..
well I was redecorating my room today so..
While doing so all my precious belongings came out..
That's all I guess bye....
Friday, February 20, 2009
Ouch it's painful!!!
I am now officially having bicep cramp and abdomen muscle cramp..
Well we were supposed to have marching training today but out of 30 people only 5 people appeared!!!
Well seriously only a miracle can make us champion in marching again this year!!!
That is for sure!!!
God this years Spots sucks people...
We are going to be suffocating when the spots is going to be held!!!
Worse part is that the Spots is on 7th of March and Monthly test is on 10th March!!!
How are we supposed to study!!!
God I am exhausted!!
Really exhausted..
Let me tell you why I am so tired
First my school dismissed at 1.50 then was supposed to have marching practice at 2.30 pm but got cancelled then had softball then straight go tuition then just took a short nap and I was off to my BM tuition..
Finally step into the house and just waiting to Zzz..
But got BM tuition homework which must hand in tomorrow and also got Punjabi Class in the morning..
Someone save me plz!!!
That's all I guess bye..
Monday, February 16, 2009
Gonna start a new blog soon...
I am going to start a new blog soon..
Well this is actually Naz and Chai's idea..
Well that blog is going to be a novel that I am working on..
Well I will soon reveal it to you people out there so be patient..
And one more thing..
I found Wuthering Heights in my school Library!!!
Finally I am going to get to read the book..
That's all I guess bye..
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I am blogging today to tell you all about how my valentine day when yesterday..
Well yesterday was a Saturday and also Valentines Day but I had to go to school because there was a quiz in school and 30 marks are going for the March test..
I still had little bit History notes that I did not do so I was doing the 2 free period I had before History class..
Phew it was a close call but I finished the homework after all!!!
Then at recess time I neglected Sanjna, Reshween, and Shanu because they will take forever to come for recess and joined Fariza, Diana, Aqilah and Gurvin...
It was so much fun and don't worry my friends I will not reveal your secrets to anyone..
A true heart promise..
Then after the Maths quiz..
There was no teacher so we started playing London Bridge is Falling down..
Well my classmates was not all supporting so we switched to Pepsi Cola!!!
It has been years since I played that game..
Well my shoes are really black now..
Then after that my classmates forced me to dance..
Well I agreed at last..
And dance while singing with aqilah..
Thought Jo Yee how to dance Aaj Kal Tere Mere Pyar Kei
Then we had waltz in the class since it was Valentine and said goodbye to everyone..
For the first time I felt that I was back in Form 1 where me and Balqis will play football almost everyday in the class..
Well we were really childish..
Actually I think I was the last year daljeet again yesterday..
Acting like a kindergarten Kid..
Well guess because the quiz was over and some burden was off my shoulders..
But today I am back to the sligthly mature Daljeet again..
Well I am going to copy some more riddles for school tomorrow..
I started this 2 Weeks back I think..
I will copy some funny riddles and will tell my friends sometimes make them annoyed and sometimes make them laugh..
I am really going to miss my school when I have to leave it next year.
I have most the most wonderful memories here that will be in my heart forever...
I wish Form 4 will never end..
Well before I say bye wish you all a really happy Valentines Day..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Story We made..
Today our last 2 subject teacher did not enter the class so we had free periods..
First we had a jokes session..
I just told my classmates jokes I found in the net..
Then we started a continue the story Session It was awesome..
So the story is going to begin starting now..
The was blood spited everywhere.
Then Barnie came in and started to sing....
He saw the blood and thought it was crumb juice so he moped it away..
Then the police came in...
Then a rainbow came out in front of them...
There was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow...
The police took the pot of gold and went off..
After that a Dracula and a monster in shades came..
When they appeared Edward Cullen appeared too...
He asked Barnie what happened to his blood???
Barnie said "there was no blood only crumb juice which I moped it away...
Edward Cullen got so angry that he bite Barnie's throat
But he found nothing there so he flinched away..
Barnie started to thing that he is turned into a vampire when he was not..
So he drank the blood of all the kids..
Then one day he saw Bella in the woods and felled in love with her..
Jacob, Edward, and Barnie decided that they will fight something and whoever wins will get Bella..
At that moment Hagrid came in..
Barnie felled in love with him at the first sight...
So Barnie ended up marrying Hagrid and Edward ended up marring Bella..
Barnie had 3 kids Dino, Tino and Chino, while Edward an Bella had one child named Nessie..
Nessie, Dino, Tino and Chino were playing in the woods when suddenly Cinderella came to kidnap ALL FOUR OF THEM!!!
Then Rapunzel came to the rescue..
She swing her hair like a cowboy and pulled the kids towards her..
Cinderella got scared silly and ran away..
Then pop Cosmo and Wanda came in..
They granted a wish for Barnie which was to be a real Dino...
When Barnie turned into a real Dino he ate Hagrid..
Then later he coupled up with the dragon in Shreak named Marnie..
Barnie and Marnie started to get really wild and the safety of the world was at the risk so it was up to Edward, Jacob, and Donkey to save it..
What happened did the world got saved???
Or was it destroyed???
The truth was never to be revealed..
This is the never ending story of 4 Lily in 2009!!
If I accidentally change any part I really apologize lotz to Naz, Diana, Chai, Sharmalaa, and Izatti..
The author of the story are Naz, Diana, Chai, Sharmalaa, Izatti and for sure the really creative Daljeet!!!
Thar's all for today..
Monday, February 9, 2009
Cameron TRIP!!!
I am so sorry for not keeping you posted for so long!!!
Was busy with school work...
Well Yesterday was the Thaipusm day in Malaysia..
It was awesome.
Too bad I could not go at night because had to go to my Uncle's ( mama) akhand path..
Well I went to see the thaipusam at 11.00 am and after seeing a few floats I came back home at 1.00 pm..
Then got ready and went to Cameron with my aunt (massi), uncle (maser) and cousin sis and bros...
At Cameron we stayed at the Temple..
And went shopping..
I just bought a sweater well my mom was busy buying stuff for my sis to bring it to UK..
Then today after the akhand path da bhog..
We went shopping again..
This time bought some track pants, a comforter and 2 tee's for my dad..
And just reached Ipoh at 4.00 pm.
So tired and I have a stack of homework to be done..
So that was a brief description for my weakened..
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Today was awesome!!!
Secondly because I am joining classes with 4 Cherm for Moral..
I can be with Balbita, Reshween, Mary Anne, Sharon and Menuka in at least a subject!!!
Thirdly because Balqis is not going to transfer she is going to stay in our school!!!
Balqis if you ever read this I was really sad when I heard you transferred..
Which meant that we cant chat at all!!!
Not even say Hi!!!
I really miss Form 1 and you transferring was going to be worse!!!!
So glad you are not going!!!
Ok fourthly because I think my Add Maths teacher is not so bad at all...
She is improving day by day and her English is getting better too...
Well I guess I will give her a chance..
The Fifth and last day today was totally awesome is because Miss Lau's Literature in English (LIE) was awesome..
We were supposed to do a presentation on the weakness of the character Cinderella and Prince Charming..
It was awesome..
Ok I will tell you about Prince Charmin's weakness..
He has really low IQ like when he sent his Butler to find the girl whose feet will fit the glass shoe well there is surely somebody other than Cindy whose feet are that size..
Second he is really lazy..
Like he will hardly do anything himself...
Every single thing he needs he will ask his servants to get it..
He wont take the initiative to take it by his own..
Third he is really too fond of his looks..
Ok we all agree that He is Handsome but he is also really proud of it...
Every time he is walking in the street he will walk like he is the worlds greatest person!!!
Forth he has no proper plan for his future..
He is just always having his own fun and does not care about his kingdom at all..
I mean he could help his father rule it by giving his opinion and ideas or maybe he does not do so because his IQ does not reach till that level at all..
The list goes on so in short Prince Charming is only good From the looks and nothing else...
We had great fun drowning the most admired character for more than centuries..
So that's all fro me Bye..
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I Got Sick!!!
I just did not bother I knew it is going to change to normal soon.
It did but there were still red lines in my eyes..
My mom drove me to my Punjabi Class Sir's house and he told that the class is cancelled so came back home again..
Then reach home I just lay on the bed in intention to relax for awhile then to do my homework but I knock out since it was raining a perfect day to sleep..
Then my mom woke me when it was time for tuition I joined it the last Friday..
Well Hema came today..
Was so happy to see her again..
And she straighten her hair.
She looks so beautiful..
Then we learned BM..
The teacher is awesome..
I guess I am really going to sharpen my BM after all..
Then the biology sir came he was in the middle o explaining us that the kidney will filter the blood and produce urine..
But instead of saying urine he said CHATNI!!!
The whole class laugh like mad..
Then came back home..
Shaved my legs and then my eyes stated bothering me so I decided to take a nap..
When I woke up..
Ouch migraine attack and my eyes was kinda blurry..
It was 9.00 pm by then.
I started to eat dinner but somehow could not so decided to lay down for awhile then will continue eating and then the gross vomit came..
Then I was 50% back to normal and did not eat too heavy dinner and went straight to sleep..
My eyes are OK now thanks to all the sleeps!!!
Now I am so dead!!!
Well Maths I am nearly done.
Add Maths done.
History almost also..
Chemistry haven't start also!!
So dead lar view..
To make matters worse i must go to someone wedding party today!!!
So dead lar wei!!
So gotta go now..
Monday, January 26, 2009
My CNY Holidays...
Let me tell you what I did for the past two days...
Ok Day 1..
There was a Nagar Kirtan held at the Tambun Gurdwara..
It was almost a 6 km root..
Visit this website if you would like to know what is a Nagar Kirtan...
My cousins, my sis and I was given the duty to sit with the holy book (Guru Granth Shahid) and to do kirtan (sing holy songs)..
I only got to walk for a while only rest all the route I was sitting in the flout that was caring the Guru Granth Shahib...
So sad...
When we reach back to Tamun Tample our voices was like guys voice...
OK DAY 2...
The akhand path was held..
For more info on akhand path visit this site...
I had to do so much of work..
Such as wash the dishes, give prashad, serve the sangat and many more..
I went to he Temple at 8.00 am and came back at 12.00 am!!!
Just imagine....
So tired...
Now I am waiting for my mom to come and bring me to Punjabi Class then agin back to Gurdwara..
I am exhausted!!!!!!!
Today got Kirtan Darbar some more!!!!
No practice at all you know!!!
Never mind I will just play the tabla..
FYI tomorrow a 90 years old well is going to be reopened..
And the jal from Golden Temple and so many other Temple is going to be added in it..
It is believed that the well has it's powers...
So everyone is invited to join in..
The program will end at 10.00 pm..
Well the program will start after the Sri Akhand Phat da Bhog..
Around 9.00 am...
That's all from me I guess..